7 Nov 2008

A thousand Directions at once

Funny how things happen in my life, for months nothing interesting happens then I'm doing 50 jobs at once...

Ok, so I'm exaggerating a bit, but this month is going to be crazy. First of all I've been helping out on a Gurilla film-making course last month and this which has been a bit of a thrown in the deep end affair and a steep learning curve on education and motivation of other people *I'm just used to talking to myself xS* but it's been fun!

Next, I edited a video for the Imperial War Museum's Student Film Festival, which I got though! so on Tuesday the 18th I will be in London so that should be fun.

Plus I've my own projects that I'm working on so I want to keep those in the air. I've filmed a music video on Wednesday and now I'm editing that (looks good!) and I've two ideas floating in my brain with provisional outlines on paper. So I want to get those down quickly as the beginning of 09 I will be getting some work with a production company near where I am so that is going to be awesome!!!

I have also started the nasty habit if going though podcasts that have been in my iTunes for the past three years (once they were invented) so that is fun and distracting...

So yeah, the year two thousand and nine is really going to be MAD and fun!!!

Check out more video's a here

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