24 Mar 2008

Biography of myself to this point

So over the past couple of years, I've been making films and it's now a major part of my life now. while updating my online profiles I decided to write a little bio of how I came to be who I am now. So enjoy this little glimpse into my past life.

I've lived a somewhat interesting life to this point, here is a snippet...

Born in the Lake District of the UK, I've lived in the country all my life, son to a pair of optometrists and so didn't wish to go into that line of work. Originally I wanted to help people, only I didn't have great social skillz, but I was technically minded so I wanted for a long time to become a mechanic. After determining that I didn't want to work on other people’s cars for the rest of my life, I decided that creativity was the thing for me.

Since 1995, after seeing Toy Story in the cinema (one the most important points in my entire life) I wanted to become a film maker, but being and autistic child I couldn't articulate this idea to the degree that I really needed to. We did have a Hi8 camcorder, but this didn't work out for me as I didn't know how to tell stories yet using the camera. I could take pretty pictures, I just didn't know how to put them together. Gradually over the years, I would go though many computers, but I wanted to make films and it wouldn't be until 2004 that I could get what I wanted. After giving up with wanting to be a mechanic, I Joined a Film & TV course at Lancaster & Morecambe in late 2004 and I got my first Mac and from then on I was set.

Making films is such a large part of my life now. I wouldn't be able to tell you what I would have done without making films, it's such a rich a power entity that it's helped me become the person I am today. All I can say is I love making films and I thank everyone who listens to me and cases about me, because without those people I couldn't be who I am.

This is only a part of my previous life, but I didn't want to bore you xD

Check out more video's a here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.