13 Jan 2009

A world of collaboration - my adventures


Sorry that My past posts have been rather sparse in their content. I'm hoping to become more proactive in blogging as allot is happening this year so I will be posting more than once a month LOL

Anyways, on with the post. Just as a side note, the end of 2008 was just crazy, from October onwards I have been all over the place not to mention the IWM student film festival fun. So in the past three months I have made plans for three feature length productions (writing, designing and acting as producer) The ball is going to start rolling come February on all three at the same time and I'm ready! But these three productions all stand on their own in their complexity and message.

With a residential Guerilla Film-making course up at Ambleside at the end of October has yield new collaborations with young people in the North West of England (they are like rooster teeth up here!) no longer can I sit on my ass thinking up cool ideas, I have to keep up now which is really great!

My own personal film project hasn't launched as I have a lack of confidence, yes... It's true. I have had to many ideas to try and keep up in the air is near impossible but with new collaboration comes a renewed desire to visit old notes, scribbles, scripts and even old tests from college. All these ideas for little things and being boiled and reduced down into a thick soup of greatness, pure flavor! no filler! don't think thats how it goes, who cares IT SOUNDS GOOD AS I TYPE xD


So 2009 is shaping up to be a good looking year with equal parts success and failures (I'm a pessimist when no one is looking)

Keep watching!

Check out more video's a here

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