29 Jan 2008

The New Year of our Lord of Two Thousand and Eight!

So 2007 is dead, making way for a new, sexier year!

As I run blindly into the future, I look back at what I've done, and I think it was pretty good... One European trip with some StrangE peoples, a new hat and a multitude of new stories to tell.

Anyways, I haven't blogged in a while, so here we go!

--Films and expression--

2007 was spent gearing up for making my first film. Meeting M dot Strange really inspired me to tell my story and not let anyone stand in my way. So I started writing which isn't the easiest thing in the world for me, but after a few dead ends, talks with friends and a few short stories later I landed on my current project! I don't want to give to much away at this time (unless you chat with me online then I've probably told you a thousand times) But it's going to be part road movie, part apocalypse flick and a social drama film, all in one!

With being the kind of person who tends to give away golden ideas to complete strangers, I tend to blurt out great advice. In my mind, this is a good thing (not only for the person I advise) as I learn how how to articulate my ideas so then I can understand them. Now that may sound weired but in the past (when I was a youngling) I couldn't have normal conversations as I would either not speak and be depressed, or I wouldn't stop speaking about one subject, not actually having a conversation. Such is the life being a Dyslexic/Autistic person. Now I'm better :D

--The lighter side of life--

As 2007 was in it's last few weeks, Christmas came and brought with it a Nintedo Wii (actually I bought it about a week before Jesus's Birthday, but who am I to argue with the status quo??!?!) and with the Nintedo Wii came distraction for the rest of the world. Also, i've started watching lots of old Doctor Who episodes (the tom baker years mainly) as the are very win!!!

He watching...
Ever get the feeling your being watched?

Thanks for reading! if you spotted any grammar or spelling mistakes, please take pity upon me and leave a comment pointing it out. Thanks muchly! And who needs good spelling when you have a cowboy hat!

Check out more video's a here

1 comment:

Dauragon said...

Cowboy Hat > Good Spelling indeed :D